How do you keep a 58-years-running annual event fresh?
For the 2018 Hatch Awards, we settled on a theme that was close to home: the city of Boston itself.

Even though we live and work here every day, we hadn't ever really taken the time to dig deep into what the city means to us creatively. Producing a raucous, celebratory event for the advertising community means that in addition to satisfying our client, the Ad Club of Boston, we need to entertain a rock club full of revelers from the local industry. We did some serious soul searching to think of all the little details that make our city so special, and then we bundled everything up into one cohesive brand package that represents Boston as a whole. The visual style came together as an eclectic pop-art collage of found footage and hand-drawn graphics with lots of texture, and we laid those visuals against a #fresh soundtrack that we composed and recorded entirely in-house. To add excitement to the stage, we designed three custom inflatable character costumes, hired a few (very brave) stage performers to dance around in them, and coordinated a surprise appearance by the one-and-only Keytar Bear.

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Book Design

Original Music
This custom-composed soundtrack features everyone in our studio as voice talent. The outcome is catchy, it rhymes, and it's (mostly) censored as a "safe for work" audio track.

Costume & Stage Design
We brought our Hatch 58 "characters" to life by designing & fabricating three inflatable costumes for a crew of professional dancers to wear on stage during the Slamma Jamma. The dancers choreographed some sick moves for our homemade beat, and the crowd went wild.